Friday, April 22, 2011

[ Someone ]

“Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.”

(Laila Farah Muhd Ghazali, 2011)

7 NAseehAt:

Norlyana Nasrin said...

quote's dari Lela ke? huhu romantika de amour ni hehe

نور فضيلا said...

hehehe. lela la bg aku ayat ni. aku xtaw la dia cilok dr dia buat sndri ke. hehehe. ehehe. romantik sket2 .=p

FaRaH LuLu said...

aku mntk pd incik google daa..haha

Unknown said...

nak like!!! hahahah
tapi ade ke?? hahah

نور فضيلا said...

xde ruby. xreti buh gadget. haha. noob. lai, thx eh!! aku suke jugakkkkkkkkkk!

{she-who-must-not-be-named} said...

berat doh la mung ni..btw..i like it :)

نور فضيلا said...

berat nanang! hahaha. =))